About Me
Hosted by Neocities since Sept 22nd, 2022

Hewo and Welcome!!
I'm N (ehh-n) and this is my little slice of the internet :3
( like a slice of cake!.... ok, now I'm hungry! )
HeartCake was created with the purpose of serving as my own coding playground + online journal.
It is a constant work in progress!!
Mentally ill + Neurodivergent. I am myself here. You've been warned! huhuhu
This Site is Best Viewed on Chrome

May, 23, 2024 HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL VISITORS!! I am back baby! Thank You for stopping by while I was gone!!!! I am in my new habitat and I am happy. I've added the missed Songs of the Month to their own pages! You can find them HERE, HERE and linked below the current Song of the Month. I'll slowly be adding everything I've worked on while I was away ^^ Thanks again, and i wuv you all sm
January, 01, 2024 updated the song of the month for JANUARY ! first song of the year, how exciting ! HAPPY NEW YEAR
December, 24, 2023 added a visitor counter !! ^^ + MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE
December, 22, 2023 working on a page for my cd/dvd burning hobby lol ... will also upload my current cd/dvd collection at some point!! (un-burned) + added BUGSITE to Internet Neighbours!!
December, 12, 2023 added cbox to the main page >>>
December, 11, 2023 added optimus prime to shrines
December, 11, 2023 *blows the dust off the site* ah my child.. i am sorry i have neglected you for a month. i've been dealing with Seasonal Depression. but i'm here now, and i've updated the song of the month ! includling the one i missed.
Thank You to everyone who visited me while i was gone <3
October, 09, 2023 Updated the song of the month for OCTOBER
September, 10, 2023 added some more quiz answers to... well.. my quiz answers huhu
September, 05, 2023 i apologize for how quiet it's been!.. my mental and physical health have been taking a toll on me, but i'm doing my best (TuT)b
September, 04, 2023 Updated the song of the month for SEPTEMBER
August, 20, 2023 Updated the song of the month for AUGUST.. i am so silly!!!! i can't believe i forgot the song of the month until NOW!! oh well i guess, better late than never :D
July, 22, 2023 July 17th was my Birthday!! i had a pretty good one this year.. if i ever get around to adding my online diary page, there will be a little blurb about it there hehe..
July, 07, 2023 Updated the song of the month for JULY and cleaned up my shrines page a little (OuO)b
June, 17, 2023 Added a Kins page to my About Me for funsies
June, 14, 2023 Updated my About Me page again with some blinkies!!
June, 08, 2023 Updated my About Me page a bit
June, 07, 2023 Added SNEEKREALM to Internet Neighbours!
June, 05, 2023 Updated the song of the month for JUNE !! My life has been hectic lately and I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be able to mess around on my site here... Hopfully this will end soon xp
May, 03, 2023 Updated the song of the month for MAY
April, 11, 2023 Added VINK to Internet Neighbours :)
April, 01, 2023 Updated the song of the month for APRIL and added some characters to my Likes!!
March, 17, 2023 Created a Blog page :) You can find it through my About Me page
March, 16, 2023 Made this updates box and did a little more fixing up of the previously mentioned pages!! Also changed up the main page a bit :3c
March, 15, 2023 Updated my about + quiz answers + likes pages a bit. I think I like them so far! :)
I also moved my Guestbook to my Links page!

Song of the Month

previous songs of the month
Songs of the Month 2024
Songs of the Month 2023